Tuesday, 6 May 2008

fast growing trees - Austree

The Austree, or "tree from Australia", is a hybrid willow botanically known as Salix matsudana x alba. The austree, also known as the Aussie tree
s ideal as one of the fast growing trees, to create a screening hedge, as it develops at the rate of 6-10 ft per annum, quickly developing to a wonderful screening hedge. Although not an evergreen, the Aussie tree does put on thick foliage and branching. While most dense in the growing season, you still can enjoy privacy and wind blockage in the dead of winter

As the Austree, is disease resistant and drought resistant (once established) and is also tolerant of both hot and cold climates, the Aussie tree, is found as far North as Canada and South into Florida.

When planting the young tree, dig a hole approximately 18 inches in diameter and 18 inches deep. Gently pack the soil firmly around the roots as you fill the hole to prevent air pockets. When the hole is about 2/3 full, water slowly and thoroughly. Allow it to completely drain before adding any more dirt to the hole. This not only waters your tree but also helps eliminate any air pockets. Plant each, whip like young Aussie tree approximately three to five feet apart. By the end of the first growing season, you will have a thick green screening hedge beginning to take shape.

The branches of the Austree are very flexible and not brittle like other willows so less prone to breaking breaking in high winds or ice, neither do they spread by suckers or seed.

These before and after pictures, show the Aussie tree covered with iceand bent over,

a few days later, the aussie tree can be seen standing
tall once again.

The austree is an amazingly versatile tree that can be planted any time of year. You’ll enjoy watching how quickly it grows.

For a great source for aussie trees see the austree available from fast growing trees.

Monday, 11 February 2008

tree leaf identification glossary

One aspect of tree leaf identification, I thought it may be good to take a look at, would be the terms in use.

leaves that are staggered, not placed directly across from each other on the twig.
the flat part of a leaf or leaflet, characteristic of broadleaf trees.
a modified leaf that bears a flower.
a tree with leaves that are flat and thin, and generally shed annually.
the marks remaining after bud scales drop in spring.
A single layer of cells in the tree’s trunk that produces the new wood and bark
a leaf with more than one blade. All blades are attached to a single leaf stem. Where the leaf stem attaches to the twig there is a bud.
a cone-bearing tree.
Branches, twigs, buds, leaves, flowers and fruit.
shedding all leaves annually.
a leaf margin with smooth, untoothed edges.
trees with needles or leaves that remain alive and on the tree through the winter and into the next growing season.
A cluster of conifer leaves
The seed-bearing part of a tree
The place where a plant usually grows, e.g., a rocky, moist, well-drained, etc..
Term used to describe all broadleaved trees. These tree species are deciduous, retaining their leaves only one growing season. Despite the term, some "hardwoods" such as the aspens, have wood that is relatively soft.
The area next to the pith, which is composed of deal cells and serves as support
Conducts usable food from the leaves to the cambium to nourish it or to storage areas in the wood.
Stalk and blade of hardwoods: needles and scales of conifers.
the mark left on the twig where the leaf was previously attached.
Smaller leaf units or leaflets which together form a compound leaf.
projections that shape a leaf.
the edge of a leaf.
These rays radiate out from the center of the tree, and serve in lateral conduction and as food storage areas. They are most visible in a cross-sectional view of the tree trunk.
the primary rib or central vein of a leaf.
2 or 3 leaves that are directly across from each other on the same twig.
The area of the tree trunk composed of dead cells. It insulates and protects inner tissues from disease infections and drying.
blades or lobes or veins of the leaf arranged like fingers on the palm of a hand.
deciduous leaf blades that remain on the tree for more than one year.
the leafstalk that connects the blade(s) to the twig.
This is the process that occurs in the leaves. From energy produced by sunlight, the leaves combine carbon dioxide from the air and water from the soil to produce carbohydrates. Oxygen is released in the process. Carbohydrates plus fats and proteins are the plant foods necessary for growth and respiration of the tree.
blades or lobes or veins of the leaf arranged like the vanes of a feather.
The part of the leaf that contains female portions of flowers, or the pistils
The central, soft part of the stem.
Root hairs absorb water and mineral salts from the soil. Larger roots anchor the tree and store nitrogen and carbohydrates.
winged fruit.
The area on the outer side of the trunk, which contains the sap conducting tubes. Sapwood is usually lighter in color, but it darkens with age and becomes heartwood. Heartwood and sapwood together comprise the xylem.
That part of the fruit capable of germinating and producing a new plant.
a single leaf blade with a bud at the base of the leaf stem.
indentation between lobes on a leaf.
Term used to describe all needle-leaved trees. These species are typically evergreen, retaining their leaves through two or more growing seasons. Larches, including tamarack, are exceptions, being deciduous "softwoods"
stubby, often sharp twigs.
notches on the outer edge of a leaf.
A woody plant, generally single-stemmed, that reaches a height of more 15 feet at maturity. A tree has three major parts: roots, trunk and the crown.
The main body of the tree.

The Encyclopedia of North American Trees is a great starter encyclopaedia covering 278 species of North American trees.

Thanks for taking time out to read the tree leaf identification blog

Friday, 8 February 2008

Evergreen trees for the garden

Rather than just looking at tree leaf identification on the blog, I thought it would be interesting to have a look at some evergreen trees for the garden.

Evergreens make an ideal tree for the garden, they are able to offer wind protection, screen noise, offer more privacy and because they don't loose their leaves, are able to offer this protection all year round.

To maximise the benefits of planting the evergreens, you will need a little preparation.

The strongest prevailing winds in the USA will be in the North Northwest of the garden and to provide effective wind protection should be planted in a U or L shape to be most effective and planted close to each other, the trees affect wind speed both in front of and behind the trees, (see below).

evergreen tree screen

Evergreen trees, are also highly effective at reducing noise, be that from passing traffic, a shopping mall, or other noise sources. The most effective way to screen sound is to plant the trees in two to three rows directly obscuring the source of the noise. If noise is a real issue, then it may be worth considering building a small bank 3 to 4 feet high with trees planted both on top of it and down the side. This can effectively halve noise disturbance levels.


Evergreens also make a superb privacy hedge. To prepare, make a visual guide, by placing stakes a few feet apart as a guide, to make a closely packed hedge once the trees have grown


Planting of the evergreens is fairly easy. The hole needs to be slightly shallower and twice the diameter of the root system. Ensure the sides of the hole are penetrable by the roots, by scraping the edges. Set the tree in the hole and spread out the roots, the root-ball should be approximately an inch above the surrounding soil. Do ensure the tree remains vertical as you place back the soil. As you backfill ensure you apply water, this will help clear any air pockets. Once the soil has been replaced, water well and then add a 2 to three inch layer of mulch around the tree. The mulch both retains moisture and aids in slowing the growth of weeds and grass.

Follow the evergreen trees link for more information on fast growing trees and the best way to plant Evergreen Trees

If you have any comments on tree leaf identification, please feel free to comment

Friday, 11 January 2008

Tree leaf identification Kruger National Park Lower Sabie Camp

Perhaps not a place which immediately comes to mind when considering tree leaf identification, Kruger National Park, provides far more than just animals to explore.

In the Central plains, which is the richest animal viewing area in the Park, is also home to one of the best camps from which to explore the diversity of trees in the area.

Lower Sabie Camp, provides a wide range of animal, bird and trees to explore. Accommodation for 229 visitors in roofed accommodation and camping for an additional 168.


baobab tree

The Boabab is perhaps the most famous of the trees. An African legend tells that a giant child of the Gods once pulled the baobab out of the ground and then stuck it back upside down, which accounts for its root-like branches, it grows to about 25 metres in height with a lifespan ov over 4 000 years.

Magic Guarri bush

The Magic Guarri acts as an early warning beacon to other trees in times of impending drought. This slow-growing, dense, evergreen produces a pheromone when it becomes stressed. This triggers the release of tannin in the leaves of surrounding trees which makes them unpalatable, thereby saving the plants in the area, when the drought arrives.

A highly useful guide to trees of Southern Africa is Trees of Southern Africa

Please check back for more information about tree leaf identification. If you would like to comment please feel free to do so.