Friday, 11 January 2008

Tree leaf identification Kruger National Park Lower Sabie Camp

Perhaps not a place which immediately comes to mind when considering tree leaf identification, Kruger National Park, provides far more than just animals to explore.

In the Central plains, which is the richest animal viewing area in the Park, is also home to one of the best camps from which to explore the diversity of trees in the area.

Lower Sabie Camp, provides a wide range of animal, bird and trees to explore. Accommodation for 229 visitors in roofed accommodation and camping for an additional 168.


baobab tree

The Boabab is perhaps the most famous of the trees. An African legend tells that a giant child of the Gods once pulled the baobab out of the ground and then stuck it back upside down, which accounts for its root-like branches, it grows to about 25 metres in height with a lifespan ov over 4 000 years.

Magic Guarri bush

The Magic Guarri acts as an early warning beacon to other trees in times of impending drought. This slow-growing, dense, evergreen produces a pheromone when it becomes stressed. This triggers the release of tannin in the leaves of surrounding trees which makes them unpalatable, thereby saving the plants in the area, when the drought arrives.

A highly useful guide to trees of Southern Africa is Trees of Southern Africa

Please check back for more information about tree leaf identification. If you would like to comment please feel free to do so.